Publish place: Congress on Electrical, Computer and Information Technology
Publish Year: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 1,204
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 14 شهریور 1392
Recognition of hand gesture is very important to communicate in sign language. In this paper, is presented a modified method for object tracking and hand gesturerecognition. There are two common algorithms for object tracking: the mean-shift and the motion detection algorithm. In this approach, the advantages of the two algorithms are used toimprove the hand tracking. At first, the motion detection algorithm subtracts the previous frame from the current frameto obtain the changes between two images and white pixels (motion level) are detected by using the threshold level. Themean shift algorithm is only utilized for tracking the hand motion. If each one of above algorithm is applied, there are several problems for hand tracking in some parts. Therefore, ithas used the combination of two algorithms to compensate the weaknesses of mentioned algorithms. Simulation results show the proposed method can easily track the hand motion
Jalal Hasanian
Department of Electrical Engineering , Islamic Azad University , Shahrood branch
Mohammad Mehdi Hosseini
Department of Electrical Engineering , Islamic Azad University , Shahrood branch
Ehsan Hosein Kalatehjari
Department of Electrical Engineering , Islamic Azad University , Shahrood branch
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