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Contested/Dissonant Heritage and Erasure of the Past in Tourism: a Managerial Review

Publish Year: 1403
Type: Conference paper
Language: English
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Index date: 13 January 2025

Contested/Dissonant Heritage and Erasure of the Past in Tourism: a Managerial Review abstract

Tourism, as a dynamic and multifaceted industry, is intrinsically linked to cultural heritage. However, the complex interplay between tourism and heritage is often fraught with tensions and contradictions. In this regard, this article delves into these key concepts: contested / dissonant heritage and the erasure of the past that involve conflicts over the interpretation, representation, and preservation of historical sites and artifacts. managing contested heritage should address conflicting claims and rights of ownership, use and interpretation by various stakeholders, including local, regional, national, and international entities. Also diversifying interpretation strategies and implementing collaborative management approaches might be helpful. managing erasure of the past should underscore the necessity for an approach that considers diverse stakeholders' interests and perspectives. So, the restoration and preservation of historic sites while promoting tourism development require the involvement of government officials, preservationists, developers, and local communities. These considerations show that to engage with these concepts inclusively, societies can work towards more understanding of their heritage and address the challenges posed by conflicting narratives and interpretations to examine and foster their own heritage potential in tourism. By acknowledging contested heritage and avoiding erasure of the past, tourism can become a tool for promoting critical thinking, empathy, and a more complete understanding of the past

Contested/Dissonant Heritage and Erasure of the Past in Tourism: a Managerial Review Keywords:

Contested/Dissonant Heritage and Erasure of the Past in Tourism: a Managerial Review authors

Mohammad Reza Salehipour

Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism Management and Economics, Faculty of Tourism, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran