Presenting a Model for Training, Education, and Empowerment of Human Capital Using Artificial Intelligence with a View to the Classroom Transformation Triangle abstract
The present study was conducted with the aim of presenting a model for using artificial intelligence in training, education, and empowerment of human capital in education. The research method was applied in terms of purpose, and mixed data type, (qualitative-quantitative) of exploratory type. The statistical population of the study consisted of three parts: scientific documents, qualitative part (experts), and quantitative part (school principals in Robat Karim city, Tehran province). The sample size in the qualitative part included 25 experts who were selected using the saturation principle and purposeful non-random sampling method. Also, in the quantitative part, 300 people were selected using the staged cluster sampling method. In the qualitative part of this study, semi-structured interviews were used to collect data, and in the quantitative part, a researcher-made questionnaire derived from the qualitative part was used. In the qualitative section, intra-subject agreement and agreement between the two coders were used to calculate the validity from the experts' point of view and to calculate the reliability, the results indicated the validity and reliability of the qualitative section data. Also, content and construct validity were used to determine the validity of the questionnaire, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability were used to calculate the reliability, which results indicated the validity and reliability of the tool. The data analysis method in the qualitative section was content analysis with maxqda 2020 software. In the quantitative section, descriptive and inferential statistics (T-test) and confirmatory factor analysis were used with 23V-SPSS and PLS SMART software, according to the research questions. The research findings showed that the use of artificial intelligence in training and education and the empowerment of human capital in education included teacher empowerment, technical infrastructure and acceptance of data security, and its consequences included the quality of education, the quality of evaluation, and the creation of effective teaching/learning.