Artificial Intelligences in the Topological Configuration of the Network
Publish place: 18th International Power System Conference
Publish Year: 1382
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 اردیبهشت 1386
In this paper, It introduces a tabu search and a simulated annealing method for the topological configuration of the network system. Tabu search is a technique that employs a metaheuristic to guide a local heuristic search procedure to explore the solution space of a given problem iteratively. Simulated annealing simulates the cooling process of solid materials-known as annealing. However this analogy is limited to the physical movement of the molecules without involving complex thermodynamic systems. Physical annealing refers to the process of cooling a solid material so that it reaches a low energy state. Initially the solid is heated up to the melting point. Then it is cooled very slowly, allowing it is to come to thermal equilibrium at each temperature. Tabu search shares with simulated annealing the ability to conduct iterative searches. The performance of the techniques is studied and the results compared with these from genetic algorithm methods.
Department of Industrial Engineering University of Yazd, Iran
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