The Impacts of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) on Iranian EFL Learners’ Learning of English Idioms
Publish place: International Conference on Science and Engineering
Publish Year: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 بهمن 1394
In recent years, the tremendous popularity of mobile and wireless gadgets and devices is enabling different ways of communicating all over the world. If you just take a quick look at our society in Iran, you will find majority of people are using mobile phones in many areas. For instance, it is prevalent to see students utilize their cell phones or surfing on the internet using note books, tablets, or small laptops before, after and even during the class. And the best thing is, Iranian young people are keen on using mobile technologies that allow them to meet what they need as soon as possible. And the worse thing is, non-educational use of mobile technology is more common than the educational use. So, it is high time to consider cellphones as learning tools rather than anything else.This paper focused on implementing mobile technology in idioms learning, since idioms are really common on every day conversations, speeches, presentations, lectures, movies, podcasts, TV programs and series. And on the other hand, learning and teaching English idioms is required and essential for EFL learners as native speakers’ utterances and writings are characterized by constant use of idiomatic expressions according to some researchers (e.g., Irujo, 6891; Tabatabaei & Gahroei, 1166; Zyzik, 1118). Consequently, learning idioms is fundamental for learners so that they can understand spoken and written English and also become better writers and speakers (Boers, 6881).Various methods and techniques have been recommended to teach English idioms: visualizing idioms through drawing pictures (Zyzik, 1118); teaching idioms in context (Holmes & Moulton, 6881; Zyzik, 1118); presenting pictures through pictures, L6 translation, and L1 synonym (Fotovatnia & Khaki, 1161; Zyzik, 1118); using movies (Tabatabaei & Gahroei, 1166);The present study introduces a new technique for teaching English idioms, the impacts of mobile assisted language learning (MALL) on Iranian EFL learners’ learning of English idioms.
Mahnaz Saeidi
PhD Department of English, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Hamid Toraby
M.A. Department of English, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
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