Publish Year: 1387
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 مهر 1387


Over the past twenty years maintenance has changed, perhaps more so than any other management disciplines Moubray (1997:1). The changes in the oil plants are huger due to using high technology equipments. These equipments which enjoy complex design need new maintenance technique and skillful persons. Meanwhile the business demand is being greater than past and all of the maintenance managers are more under pressure to improve professionalism, discipline and cost and benefit accountability. On the other hand maintenance needs high level management skill in order to maximize production and minimize loss and waste. Maintenance look likes as an administrative technique rather than a technical one. Implementing a proper and successful asset managment requires a good knowledge of overall management, organization, equipments, equipments failure behavior and consequence and maintenance management practices One of the most problems in petrochemical companies is making decisions about the maintenance organization, outsourcing, equipment strategy which results to confusing of what maintenance to do, when and by whom. In defining equipment asset managmet some techniques use key characteristics of operations and equipments to choose between fixed-interval, inspection based maintenance or continuous condition-based maintenance. In this study a hard effort would be done to organize definition and technique in a typical maintenance process.