Knowledge, Attitude and practice High school girl student about breast cancer and finding ways of screening in Qazvin university – 1389 -1390

Publish Year: 1392
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 362

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 فروردین 1397


Background and objective: Among women, breast cancer is the most common disease that causes damage to the individual, family and community is enormous.Recognizing symptoms and measures of breast self -examination and clinical examination for early detection and timely treatment can prevent complications of the disease may have an important role.objective of study is Knowledge, Attitude and practice High school girl student and role in informing and educating the population.Methods and Materials: The study is in Excell analysis Knowledge and practice high school girl student 3 and 6 month later of education about in Breast examination Knowledge, Attitude and practice high school girl student was evaluated.Result:. 25% of high school girl student to was provide education about breast cancer and BSE . 3 month after education was evaluated Knowledge and Attitude, 6 month was evaluated practice women . 78.9 % women Good knowledge regarding BSE,67.8% Positive Attitude and 43.1% Positive practically.Discussion: Given that students can play an important role in informing and have raising awareness of women Provide appropriate education about breast cancer and can effective at improving high school girl student knowledge, attitude and practice. effective method can achieve early detection of breast cancer.


Rozita firooznia

Health center Tabriz- seggatoleslam- manbaab- Health province center Tabriz university province of medical sciences.

Nasim firozy shahmirzad

Health center Tabriz- seggatoleslam- manbaab- Health province center Tabriz university province of medical sciences.

Rasha atlasi

Health center Tabriz- seggatoleslam- manbaab- Health province center Tabriz university province of medical sciences.

Hamide pakniat

Health center Tabriz- seggatoleslam- manbaab- Health province center Tabriz university province of medical sciences.