The investigation of amount of awareness, attitude, and performance of women over 20 years oldwith a positive breast cancer in family history in Markazi province

Publish Year: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 288

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 21 اردیبهشت 1397


Women in Iran are at higher risk of breast cancer than other types of cancers. Therefore, preventive measures and early diagnosis among the family of the patients can be a starting step. So, the researchers conducted the study which resulted in finding 132 women to have educational interventions on them. Methodology : After deciding on research group, there was adata analysis using a researcher made questionnaire that its validity is proven by authorities and its reliability is calculated by Cronbach Alpha, and data analysis was done using the Spss software.Results: Women s age average was 37.5. 90% of them believed that having breast history in their family can increase the possibility of breast cancer. 50% were aware of suitable age for breast selfexamination. 36% had self-examination of breast and 27% were aware of the suitable age of having mammography, and 34% of them had a mammography. The amount of women s awareness of the common symptoms of breast cancer was 66% and about the increase of probability of cancer by aging this was 55%. They believed that mammography ray is harmful and 40% believed that probability of breast cancer among married women is higher. 34% agreed that there is a positive relationship betweenbreast cancer and aging. 56% believed that breast cancer will affect the person s whole. Conclusion: Despite knowing the risk factors in patients families, just one third of them perform selfexamination and mammography. This indicates the necessity of having effective educationalinterventions considering altering women s attitudes towards this cancer.


Nadia Mashayekhi

Head of Health Education Unit, University of Arak, Arak, Iran

Azita Mohsennejad

Health Education Expert, University of Arak , Arak , Iran.

Bahar ShahMohammadi

Head of Cancer Unit, University of Arak , Arak , Iran

Fatemeh Zakeri

Head of Health Education unit, Health Center of Arak , Arak , Iran