Caring for Caregiver in Breast Cancer: A Systemic Review

Publish Year: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 377

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 2 تیر 1397


Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis in women. Cancer and cancer treatment affect not only the patients, but also their family members and caregivers. Some studies report that the impact of a cancer diagnosis is greater on family members than it is on patients. Caregiving is a phenomenon that has increased in importance during the past decade. Care giving continues and can extend for several years until the cancer is cured or takes the life of the afflicted person. Many caregivers experience a high level of satisfaction from their caring roles; conversely, many report a significant burden to their physical and psychological well-being, economic circumstances, and social and personal relationships. When giving care to persons with life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, caregivers are confronted with physical andemotional challenges. Considering the necessity of caregivers’ contribution for an optimized treatment, continuation of care, and supporting patients, and with regard to caregivers’ important role. This paper aims to address the importance of Caring for caregiver in Breast cancer. Materials and Method: We performed a comprehensive review of literature in the internet using the following keywords: caring, care giver, breast cancer in Persian and English (2005-2015) in reliable journals available in Iranian and international databases including PubMed, Science Direct, Medline, Magiran and Sid. Finding: The literature review showed the emotional impact of cancer was the most intense during the initial cancer diagnosis. Caregivers described it as their world being turned upside down , being slapped , being shocked and feeling terrified in the face Although the intensity of the feelings declined over time, but stayed with the caregivers throughout the treatment until the end of life of the patient. Conclusion: As caregivers are valuable members of treatment team and assist the healthcare system to achieve its treatment goals for patients. On the other hand, it has been proved that recognizing caregivers as separate people with their own special needs will have beneficial effects on both the patients and caregivers. Thus, understanding their experiences, preferences, and needs in their interaction with the treatment team is of prime importance in the care system for cancer patients. This will help to make effective interventions to this end by correct use of limited resources.Thus, caregivers need to be viewed as a standard part of cancer care programs, and a comprehensive family-centered care program needs to be designed so that the needs of familial caregivers, as the first responders to cancer patients’ problems, are addressed inhealthcare policies


F Nikseresht

MSc in Nursing, Shohada Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran