Comparison of Hoteling Cost of Global Surgery with Real Cost in Isfahan Public Hospitals, 2012 abstract
Background: Paying for the global surgery is one of the prospective paymentmethods in which service providers receive their service costs according to a presettable. In this method, payment is based on patients’ treatment not in terms of anyremedial action. Therefore, it reduces the motivation of rendering unreasonableservice. However, its weak point is making simple diseases complex as well asreducing consumption of resources for patients and etc. Since surgeries areconsidered as costly items in Iran’s insurance system, the present study targeted atinvestigating the hoteling cost of global surgery in Isfahan public hospitals.Methods: This descriptive and Applied research has investigated the differencebetween real hoteling cost of 60 global surgeries and the amount of paid hoteling inglobal plan in Isfahan public hospitals in 2012. The real hoteling cost of the globalsurgery (real rate of patients’ hospitalization) was collected through HospitalInformation System (HIS).The required information about the global costs was alsoobtained from the annual Insurance Council directive on how to calculate theglobal surgery. Excell software was then used for data analysis.Results: The average of real hospitalization hoteling and paid hoteling costs by thehealth insurance to the hospital based on the global plan were respectively 1.77 and2.81 in which the real difference between hospitalization and the calculated amountin global plan is 1.04 day.Conclusion: There was a difference between global cost paid by insurance companiesto the hospital and the real cost of surgery in all investigated surgeries so that from 60cases of global surgery in 53 real hoteling, patient hospitalization was less than theamount paid in global plan of hospitals. Real hoteling was more in just two cases.