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Weed mapping of saline pistachio orchards using Geographical Information System (GIS) in Yazd province

نوع محتوی: طرح پژوهشی
Language: Persian
استان موضوع گزارش: یزد
شهر موضوع گزارش: یزد
Document National Code: R-1090930
Publish: 16 February 2019
دسته بندی علمی: علوم کشاورزی
View: 386
Pages: 51
Publish Year: 1394

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Weed mapping of saline pistachio orchards using Geographical Information System (GIS) in Yazd province abstract

This project was conducted on pistachio orchards located in Yazd province with emphasized on saline areas of the province. After pre-processing operations on the maps under Geographical Information System (GIS) and poligoning orchards, a frame with the size of 0.5 per 0.5 m was threw, all data statistically analyzed and then both population indicators including frequency, density, uniformity and also species dominance indicators were determined. Results showed that the totals of 56 species of weeds belong to 45 genuses and 21 families were present in the evaluated orchards. Among them, Poaceae (grasses) and Chenopodiaceae (goosefeet) having 15 and 12 species, had the highest species number, respectively. Results also showed that Phalaris minor, Alhagi camelorum and Tragus racemosus species had dominance indicators of 246.16, 150.2, 155.47 and 132.67, respectively. These species are found in Ardakan, Abarkuh, Marvast and Mehriz as the most dominant species, respectively.Keywords: distribution map, weeds, pistachio, Geographical Information System (GIS)