Diabetes mellitus is a set of metabolic disorders characterized by chronic increase of blood glucoselevels and impairment in metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The patients have a trouble in the productionof insulin or response to it, or both. It is predicted that the worldwide prevalence of diabetes mellitus in 2030 increasedto 4.4%, and the total number of people with diabetes will reach 366 million. Over the years, the usage of naturalremedies along with pharmacological interventions in controls and treatment of diseases, mostly about diabetes, hasalways been considered.Camel milk contains significant amounts of minerals (Na, K, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ca, P and Mg) and of large value ofimmunoglobulins (G and A), vitamins (A, B2, C and E), lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, which can be used as a goodnutrient source for humans. Also, it contains less amount of short-chain fatty acid and a high concentration of longchainfatty acids.oral administration of insulin destroys it in the acidic medium of stomach. Therefore, proper treatment of diabetesincludes insulin injections as continuously to maintain blood glucose level.
Camel milk contains bioactive insulin likeproteins (about 52 U/L), that mimic insulin interaction with its receptor which does not form coagulum in the acidicmedia of stomach. The present study is aimed to evaluate anti-diabetic effects of camel milk on glucose homeostasis.Methodology- The present review article was completed by searching “Pubmed” and “Google scholar” by differentcombinations of terms from the list of MeSH “diabetes” and “camel milk”. We searched databases from 2015 untilthe end of September 2022.Findings-
Camel milk administration can have positive effects on glycemic control, by reducing fasting blood sugar,significant decrease in HbA1c levels and improving lipid profiles in diabetes patients. The fatty acid composition ofthe camel’s milk, has a significant amount of Oleic acid, which is a MUFA, and could possibly have a role in reducinginsulin resistance in patients with diabetes. The other specific factor is that the camel milk fat has low short chain fattyacids with a number of 4 to 12 carbons. It has been shown that diet with short chain fatty acids can significantly risetriglyceride, cholesterol, and free fatty acids in the plasma and create a state of insulin resistance throughout the body.Conclusion-
Camel milk and some its effective components influence insulin secretion by effect on the pancreatic β-cells and stimulate insulin receptor function in the insulin-sensitive tissues without any anti-genetic effects. In moststudies, the recommended dose of camel milk was 500 mL/day which led to improvement of diabetes markers after 3months in diabetes patients.