Introduction-Single-cell protein (SCP) is the protein extracted from cultivated microbial biomass that can be used asa protein supplement for both humans or animals and offers an alternative proteinaceous food sources to solve proteindeficiency problem being faced by the entire humanity. However, there have been concerns about possible risks suchas alimentary allergies, toxins, nucleic acids and indigestible fibers. So, it can give rise to bioethical issues forconsumers, particularly Muslims. For a Muslim food must meet the criteria of Islamic jurisprudence such as Halaland Tayyeb. Halal is an Arabic word that means “Permissible” according to Islamic rites. on the other hands, TayyebMeans “Purity” in word and the foods must have several characteristics that are classified as
Tayyeb food, includednutritious and safety, being halal, originality, attractiveness and blessing. So
Tayyeb is considered as a food beyondHalal, which includes all spiritual and nutritional aspects. Considering safety is one of the most important aspects ofTayyeb food, and on the other hand, there are concerns about the possible risks of SCP consumption, the question iswhether this protein alternative can be
Tayyeb or not? The aim of this paper is to answer this question.Material and Methods (Or Methodology)- related articles from 2010 to 2022 were searched in Google Scholar,PubMed, Web of Science databases. Among the 13 articles found in this regard, 8 related papers were used.Conclusion - Large amount of SCP can be produced by microorganisms due to their fast growth rate on agriculturaland industrial wastes. Beside proteins, SCP contains carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids, minerals, vitamins andseveral important amino acids. So, it can be an effective alternative for more expensive protein sources such as fish,meat products and soymeal. Nowadays, removal of nucleic acids, toxins and other possible risks from SCP as well asits high nutritional value, have turned it into a safe and healthy product. Therefore, the
Tayyeb brand can be awardedto
Single Cell Protein if it has other characteristics of
Tayyeb food.