Relationship between metabolic cardiac parameters in non -smokers, currentsmokers and diabetes crackers: a systematic and meta -analysis survey

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زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 اردیبهشت 1402


Background: Tobacco use is associated with increased complications of microwave andmicrowaves in diabetes patients. In addition to other simultaneous vascular turmoil, it also appearsto affect cardiovascular parameters, which may partially explain the acceleration of vascularcomplications in people with diabetes. While quitting cigarettes as a global component of diabetesmanagement is supported, there is some evidence that HBA۱C can increase after smoking. Thepurpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between smoking and its disconnection incardiac parameters in diabetes.Methods: Searches were done in Medline, Embase and Cinahl. After screening ۶۸۶۶, ۱۴observational studies with a total ۹۸.۹۷۸ participants with type ۱ diabetes or type ۲ were selectedfor review.Results: Meta -analysis showed that the average HBA۱C difference between non -smokers andsmokers was ۰.۶۱ % (۹۵ % CI -۰.۸۸ to ۰.۳۳, p <۰.۰۰۰۱). The difference in LDL cholesterolbetween non -smokers and smokers was ۰.۱۱ mmm/l (۹۵ % CI -۲۰.۲۱ to ۰.۰۱,, ۰.۰۴ = p = ۰.۰۴).The difference in HDL cholesterol was between non-smokers and smokers ۰.۱۲ mmm / l (۹۵ % ci۰.۰۸-۰.۱۵, p <۰.۰۰۱). However, there was no statistically significant difference in blood pressurebetween the two groups. The difference in HBA۱C between quitters and continuing smoking wasnot statistically ۱۰.۰.۱۰ % (۹۵ C CI -۰.۴۲ to ۰.۲۱, P = ۰.۵۳). However, the results showed thatduring a ۱۰ -year period, HBA۱C was comparable to non -smokers and its cracks.Conclusion: Non -smokers are statistically lower HBA۱C and lipid specifications are morefavorable than smokers. Smoking cigarettes do not lead to an increase in HBA۱C in the long runand may reduce vascular complications in diabetes by optimizing its effect on lipid specifications.


Mohammad Hossein Taklif

Student Research Committee, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Hormozgan University of MedicalSciences, Bandar Abbas, Iran

Mehrangiz Ghabimi

Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Sistan and Baluchistan,Iran.