Monitoring the Treaty Bodies in promoting the implementation of governments' obligations

Publish Year: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 تیر 1402


This article provides a better and deeper investigation of the performing of treaties by governments. Here we provided a deeper investigation on exploring and monitoring the mechanisms of the Treaty Bodies since its formation and the evolution of these Bodies' reactions to changes in international law and the growing activity of these Bodies and their impact on the practical practice of governments. This subject is particularly less addressed in domestic legal resources. With the precise analysis of this issue, we can discover the process of the shaping and the operation of an executive and legal mechanism at the international and national levels, which is the main purpose of this document. The starting point for solving each problem is the acceptance and finding of the problem. Thus, regarding the range of human rights mechanisms at the national, regional, and international levels and the existence of various Bodies and laws in this regard, we tried to present an overview of the performance of human rights Bodies at different levels and examine the multiple layers of activity within the international community. The methods used in this study include an analytical descriptive method, library resources, sites, and papers. In this paper, after reviewing the proceedings and stances of governments, we found the weakness of the mechanisms of protection of rights is in the areas such as cooperation of governments, reporting, and internal coordination between the law enforcement agencies.


Monasadat Azabdaftari

Faculty of Law and political science, Department of Law, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.