The relation between managers' emotionalintelligence and their effective communication (ppower in language)
Publish place: 3rd Conference on Human Resources Development
Publish Year: 1385
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 دی 1385
Now a day, emotional intelligence has attracted the managers' attention; the morale and emotional behavior of a manager has an important effect on his work place and his staffs. Goleman () says: emotional intelligence is composed of four factors includ-ing self awareness, self management, social awareness and relation management. In this aper nfluence f emotional intelligence on ommunication is nalyzed. What n communication among managers is very important is to persuade and influence others, and it is the thing we find in the meaning of power in language. This kind of power is of great importance for managers as they have relation with staffs. In sociolinguistics, power in language means persuasion and influence on others; therefore the author ana-lyzes the relation between power in language and emotional intelligence as a mental ability. Power is a complex and abstract concept for the analysis of human social behav-ior. Power in language is to avoid or to use a set of linguistic factors (ffiller, incomplete sentence, pause…as linguistic uncertainty variables) to influence people. The less these linguistic uncertainty variables exist; the more power in language is proved. The aim of this research is to study the relation between emotional intelligence of managers as a mental ability and their power in language. For the research sample, 30 managers were randomly selected, then emotional intelligence of each manager is measured by ques-
emotional intelligence , 360 feedback approach , power , power in language , Linguistic uncertainty variables (ffiller , incomplete sentence , pause…)
Aliye Kord Zafaranlu Kambuzia
Assistant Professor in Linguistics-Tarbiat Modarres University
Negar Momeni
M.A. in Linguistics- Tarbiat Modarres University
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