Effects of transcutaneous electrical stimulation on the healing of surgically severed Achilles tendon in rabbits abstract
The effect of Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation on the
healing of
tendon in rabbit wasevaluated using 10 young clinically normal, healthy New-Zealand white male rabbits, aged 6 monthsand weighing 3. 6 – 0. 8 Kg. All the rabbits were anaesthetized by using combinations of xylazine,ketamine, acepro mazine and diazepam. Splitting of 2cm full thickness of right Achilles
tendon wasconducted in all rabbits with scalpel (10 times), followed by their division into two groups of 5 rabbitseach. In group I, the
tendon was allowed to heal without the application of any treatment, but in groupII, TES threapeutic regimens were begun on 3rd day after splitting at a 1W/cm2 for 24 minutes with 70Hz frequency and 1. 1 mA intensity daily for 15 days. The full surface of electrodes covered with padsoaked in water properly, which were placed in closed contact with skin in proximal part of splittedtendon (2 positive electrodes) and distal part(2 negative electrodes),were subsequentely fixed withadhesive tape. After 30 days, biopsy was collected from injured part for histomorphologicalevaluation. The staining procedure employed was Haematoxylin and Eosin stain. Results: The unionwas observed to be comparatively much better in group II (treated one) presenting the leastinflammatory reaction, parallel and advanced stage of collagen formation with minimum cellularitywhen compared to the control one. Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation(TES) for two weeks hadpositive and stimulatory effect on
tendon healing, with the least inflammatory cells being regular andparallel bundle of collagen fiber formation in the treated group. TES as a physical method of therapyproved quite effective in
tendon healing and faster remodelling of
tendon fibers. J.Vet.Res. 62,2:21-25,2007.