Compare emotional intelligence and mental health of single and married women
Publish Year: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 12 تیر 1395
This study aimed to investigate Compare emotional intelligence and mental health of single and married women. The total sample included 200 women who were randomly selected. The instrument used in this study are: emotional intelligence questionnaire shot SCL Form 25 questions and mental health scl-25 each question listed a correlation study of reliability and validity. There is necessary to analyze the data obtained from the model Kendall and Pearson's correlation coefficient was used Data using computer software SPSS-17 Results of the analysis below is obtained.1. There is a significant difference emotional intelligence between single and married women.2. There is a significant difference mental health between single and married women3. There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and mental health of married women there.4. There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and mental health of single women there.
Mansour Kavoosi
Mansour kavousi, PhD students in Crisis Management Field in Shakes Pajouh institute Esfahan
Sara Mousavi
Corresponding author. Sara mousavi, Graduated in MA General Psychology. Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Persian Gulf University, Iran
Fatemeh Moradi
Fatemeh moradi, Graduated in MA Counselling. Faculty of Literature and Humanities, science research azad University of Ahvaz, Iran
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