Studying methods of spiritual adaptations and their relationship with physical and mental symptoms of patients with cancer

Publish Year: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 397

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 2 تیر 1397


Introduction & Aim: Spirituality is considered as an important source against chronic diseases and it can keep and promote self-esteem, mental comfort and hope of patients. Concerning its importance, the present study aims to investigate methods of spiritual adaptation and its relation with physical and mental symptoms of patients with cancer who referred to oncologic ward of Shahid Bahonar hospital of Kerman. Methods: This is correlative-descriptive study and 159 patients with cancer participated in the study. Information was collected using a four part questionnaire including demographic characteristics and those related to the disease, spiritual adaptation questionnaire, physical symptoms and mental symptoms. Information was analyzed using Mann-Whitney, Wilco xon tests, variance analysis and Spearman correlation coefficient Results: The results of this study showed that mean application of methods of spiritual adaptation was 35.69±10.92 such that mean application of religious adaptation and non-religious adaptation was 16.92±5.6 and 18.77±6.24 respectively. In addition, physical symptoms perceived by patients were fatigue, drowsiness and lacking appetite. There was an inverse and significant difference between non-religious adaptation, physical symptoms (P= 0.005, R= - 0.22) and anxiety (P=0.04). Conclusion: Concerning the results of the study, spiritual strategies of family members of the patients and treatment team can reduce mental-spiritual pressures resulted from cancer diagnosis and treatment in patients. Consulting spiritual and religious programs can reduce physical and mental complications resulting in the promotion of life quality of patients


Aazam Heidarzadeh

Instructor, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran.

Mansooreh Azizzadeh Forouzi

Instructor, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, research center of nursing, Kerman University of Medical Sciences,Kerman, Iran.

Mahlagha Dehghan

Assistant Professor, Nursing Research Center, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran

MohammadHosein Safarizadeh

Master education Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Kerman, Kerman, Iran