The Epidemiology of Breast Masses among Women in Aran and Bidgol

Publish Year: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 413

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 2 تیر 1397


Introduction & Aim: Breast is constantly affected physically and physiologically during the menstrual period, pregnancy and menopause. The importance of breast diseases increases along with the increasing rate of breast cancer. The present study shows the epidemiologic findings of benign and malignant masses in women from Aran and Bidgol. Methods: A total of 2584 females between 30-65 years old visiting health centers of Aran and Bidgol in 1390 were studied. After a comprehensive screening for early diagnosis by trained midwives, demographic, fertility and diagnostic data of masses were collected. Results: 198 patients had breast masses among which 57.1% was identified in physical examination, 38.3% in mammography test and 4.6% in self-examination. The most common age of fibroadenoma masses was less than 35 years old with the prevalence of 64.3% and the most common age of fibrocystic, malignant and other masses was over 35 years, with the respective prevalence of 61.9%, 100% and 77.8%. Most of the people with fibrocystic mass (65.5%), malignant tumors (57.1%) and other masses (77.8%) had used oral contraceptive pills (OCP) while those with fibroadenoma mass (71.4 %) had not used OCP. The most common age of masses related to premenopausal women (under 40 years) was in fibrocystic (95.8%), malignant (57.1%), fibroadenoma (97.9%) and other masses (77.8%). Conclusion: This study showed that screening had an important role in the early diagnosis of masses. Besides, age, oral contraceptive pills (OCP) and menopause played a role in breast masses


malihe masoudifard

Midwife,Kashan University of medical Sciences,kashan

monireh dehghani Arani

Biostatistics, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,Tehran(

leila darooghe

BSc in Public Health,Kashan University of medical Sciences,kashan