Efficient Drug Delivery of ZnO/CuO Core/Shell NanostructuresPegylatedby Reverse Micelles (RM) Method

Publish Year: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
View: 385

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 18 آذر 1398


Background and Objective: Recently nanoparticles delivery system has beenproposed as colloidal drug carriers. Nanoparticles (NP) are atype of colloidal drug delivery system comprising particles witha size range from 10 to 1000 nm in diameter[1]. Today, to reduce complications and increase the efficiency of chemotherapy agentsnanotechnology and nanomaterialesare being used in the medical field[2]. PEG is a non-biodegradable polymer and PEGylationcan impart several significant pharmacological advantages over the unmodified form, such as improved drug solubility, reduced dosage frequency, without diminished efficacy with potentially reduced toxicity, extended circulating life, increased drug stability, and enhanced protection from proteolytic degradation; peglyated forms may also be eligible for patent protection[3-4]. Materials and Methods: Micellelationoccurs through the penetration of monomer micelles into the aqueous phase. After micellelation, the suspension of the nanoparticles is neutralized by sodium hydroxide and temperature.The synthesis of ZnO/CuO core/shell pegylated nanostructureswas performed by twosteps inclusive a) microwave method and b) reverse micellelation. For this study Atfirst, 0.081gof Span 60 (C24H46O6) was dissolved in 20 mLof deionized water and then, by adding the surfactant concentration, critical point (CMC)was achieved.In the second step, 0.017 g ofCu(NO3)2·3H2Odissolved in in 5 mL of deionized water under vigorous stirring at 60 °C temperature for 120 min.Pruductscharacterized by XRD, SEM, TEM, UV-vis, IR and BET.Findings:SEM images of ZnO/CuO core/shell nanostructures in different PEG concentrations 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 mg PEG. As can be seen increase in PEG concentrations for synthesis of ZnO/CuO core/shell nanostructurescauses agglomeration nanoparticles, this is due to an increase in the ratio of surface to volume in fine particles, therefor sample 1 is optimized sample because distribution, morphology and dispersion is more suitable. For further interpretationof SEM images, we took TEM image from the samples, to study the growth of layers, analyze the quality, shape, size and density of quantum wells, wires and dots.TEM images of ZnO/CuO core/shell nanostructures (sample 1) inscales 100nm and 200nm.SEM and TEM imagesanalysisconfirm each other.Conclusion: In this research work ZnO/CuOpegylated synthesized by simple and fast microwave method then ZnO/CuO nanostructures pegylated prepared with assistance reverse micelles assistant, studying the effect of parameters on the BET properties of the finalproduct evaluated with the Taguchi technique, Results of SEM images show ZnO/CuO core/shell pegylatednanostructures synthesized by emulsion method are smaller than ZnO/CuO core/shell pegylated synthesized by microwave method, this event prove plays micelles as nanoreactors.


Mehdi Ranjbar

pharmaceutics Research Center,Institute of Neuropharmacology,kerman University of Medical Sciences,Kerman,Iran

Arezou Amanatfard

pharmaceutics Research Center,Institute of Neuropharmacology,kerman University of Medical Sciences,Kerman,Iran

Abbas Pardakhty

pharmaceutics Research Center,Institute of Neuropharmacology,kerman University of Medical Sciences,Kerman,Iran