Conference information
اولین همایش نوآوری و کارآفرینیThe first conference on innovation and entrepreneurship
Date: 3 December 2008
Index date: 11 February 2009
Pages: 224
Views: 48158
Conference national idINNOVENT01
Authors: 38 author
Total referrals: 23
The first conference on innovation and entrepreneurship papers
1. The Relationship between Innovation Performance and Strategic HR Practices from the Knowledge-based View
Full textYear: 1387Language: EnglishPages: 1113. مدیریت نوآوری در مراکز تحقیق و توسعه صنعتی کشور
Full textYear: 1387Language: PersianPages: 9
نتایج 1 تا 50 از مجموع 20