Investigation of Scour Phenomena on Hydraulic Structure
Publish Year: 1390
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 3 فروردین 1391
A spur dike may be defined as a structure extending outward from the bank of a stream for the purpose of deflecting the current away from the bank to protect it from erosion. In many instances impaired streams and rivers often erode the banks and move laterally, resulting in land loss, channel change, excessive sediment yield and degradation of the water quality. The use of a series of spur dikes is one of the most effective means of stabilizing or realigning channel banks. For economic reasons, spur dikes are often constructed of riprap and are commonly designed to be submerged during high flows
Babak Aminnejad
Assisstant Professor, Iran ،Roudehen ، Islamic Azad University ،Roudehen Branch
Hassan Ahmadi
Assisstant Professor, Iran ،Roudehen ، Islamic Azad University ،Roudehen Branch
Musa Aminnejad
chief Engineer, Water Resources Management, Tehran, Iran
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