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Potential of Renewable Green Hydrogen Production in Shores of Iran(Opportunities & Challenges)

Publish Year: 1401
Type: Conference paper
Language: English
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Index date: 20 June 2023

Potential of Renewable Green Hydrogen Production in Shores of Iran(Opportunities & Challenges) abstract

The phenomena of industrialization and transportation greenhouse gases production lead to increase in global warming. The currently increase in the global warming caused global environmental protection experts and decision-makers in the United Nations Organization to encourage countries to define and execute their action plans to reduce the global warming. The action plans comprise of decreasing the consumption of fossil fuels and/or to substitute them with renewable energies and gases. The ultimate goal is to reach net zero emission GHG's and prevent climate change environmental impacts in the worldwide in the third millennium AD.The Islamic Republic of Iran can have a great rule in reducing the global warming. Iran is among the top five countries in the world to produce the greenhouse gases. On the other hand, Iran is a member of international organizations and has to comply with their conventions. Besides having a huge resources of fossil oil and gas, our country also has huge natural God-given renewable potential items such as: the very wide length of huge sea shores (Persian Gulf, Caspian sea, Oman sea) and vast deserts (LOOT,…).These resources could have technically potentials to create action plans to be a regional hub in renewable energy and green hydrogen gas production in the middle east regarding to PTX projects. In this approach, the challenges and opportunities to make these action plans will be reviewed.

Potential of Renewable Green Hydrogen Production in Shores of Iran(Opportunities & Challenges) Keywords:

Global warming , Green hydrogen gas , Climate change environmental impacts , Net zero emission GHG , Renewable energy , Electrolysis , Technology transfer , Decarbonization , PTX(P2X)

Potential of Renewable Green Hydrogen Production in Shores of Iran(Opportunities & Challenges) authors

Hamid Reza Seyed Jafari

Petroleum Ministry, Advisor of Deputy Planning of Petroleum Minister PlanningDept., Chemical Engineer (PUT), Tehran, Iran,

Ahmad Shariati

Faculty Member, Gas Engineering Dept., Petroleum University of Technology (PUT),Ahwaz, Iran

Seyed Mohammad Reza Seyed Jafari

Chemical Engineer, Post Graduate IT Dept., Mehr Alborz University,Tehran, Iran