A New Efficient Routing Algorithm for Network-on-Chip
Publish place: 16th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering
Publish Year: 1387
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 اسفند 1386
The performance of Network-on-Chip (NoC) largely depends on the underlying routing techniques, which have two constituencies: output selection and input selection. In this paper a novel routing algorithm for network on chip, which called BIOS, is presented. Previous routing algorithms for network on chip focused only on improvement of output selection. But BIOS improves both input and output selection. In fact, BIOS is based on the best input and output selection. Simulation results with different traffic patterns show that our new routing algorithm(BIOS) achieves significant better performance than the other deterministic and adaptive routing algorithms because BIOS combines the advantages of both deterministic and adaptive routing algorithms.
Ebrahim Behrouzian Nezhad
AU- Shushtar branch, Shushtar, Iran @ IAU-Science & Research branch,Tehran,Iran
Ahmad Khademzadeh
Iran Telecommunication Research Center (ITRC) Tehran,Iran
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