Conference information
نوزدهمین کنفرانس مهندسی پزشکی ایران19th Iranian conference on Biomedical Engineering
Date: 20 December 2012
Index date: 29 January 2014
Pages: 579
Views: 128269
Conference national idICBME19
Authors: 355 author
Total referrals: 1
19th Iranian conference on Biomedical Engineering papers
1. A Low Cost Hands-Free Typing System for Disabled People
Year: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 42. A Neural Model of Multisensory Integration Including Proprioceptive Attention under Visual Uncertainty
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 54. A Predictive Human-inspired Path Planning Method Based on the Dynamic Wave Expansion Neural Network (DWENN)
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 55. A Simple Model of Intimal Thickening- Effects of Hypertension
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 66. A Two Stage Single Trial P300 Detection Algorithm Based on Independent Component Analysis and Wavelet Transforms
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 67. A comparison between computed muscle control method and static optimization technique to determine muscle forces during a weight training exercise with a dumbbell
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 68. A new approach to model subarachoid trabeculae resistance in cerebrospinal fluid flow
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 59. A novel prosthesis design to improve partial foot amputees gait using a carbon composite AFO
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 510. An EMG-driven musculoskeletal model to predict muscle forces during performing a weight training exercise with a dumbbell
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 611. Analysis of Impedance Stabilization of Natural and Metallic DNA Molecules
Year: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 412. Automatic Crown Surface Reconstruction Using Tooth Statistical Model for Dental Prosthesis Planning
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 514. Bilateral Nonlinear Teleoperation for Flexible link Surgical Robot with Vibration Control
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 615. Bioactive HA/CNTs composite Coatings on the NiTi implants
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 616. Cardiovascular Segmentation Based on Hough Transform and Heuristic Knowledge
Year: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 420. Control of Pathfinder Robot Movement Using Combination of Brain Rhythmic Waves and Evoked Potential Features in Virtual Environment
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 622. Design and Implementation of a System for Measurement and Control of Blood Pressure with Charge Balanced Current Pulses to Stimulate the Carotid Sinus Nerve
Year: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 423. Design of SMA Micro-Gripper for Minimally Invasive Surgery
Year: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 427. Effect of Applicator Changes on Light Propagation and Heat Generation in Biological Tissue During Laser Irradiation in LITT
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 628. Effect of Collagen on the synthesis of Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles
Year: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 429. Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure Amplitude on Chondrogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Year: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 430. Effect of Lateral Position on RBC Deformation Using Immersed Boundary Lattice-Boltzmann Method
Year: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 434. Estimation of Time-varying Human Arm Stiffness Using Electromyogram Signal
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 536. Evaluation of time delay estimation in the detection of pleural effusion in a phantom model of the lungs
Year: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 438. Feature-Based Approach to Fuse fMRI and DTI in Epilepsy Using Joint Independent Component Analysis
Year: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 439. Finite Element Analysis of Stress Distribution in Immediately Loaded Dental Implant
Year: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 440. Fuzzy c-means clustering based on Gaussian spatial information for brain MR image segmentation
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 541. GPU-Based Adaptive Beamformer for Medical Ultrasound Imaging
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 542. Identifying Depressed from healthy cases using speech processing
Year: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 443. Impaired Resting State Networks in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Resting State fMRI Study
Year: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 444. Interpolation of Orientation Distribution Functions (ODFs) in Q-ball Imaging
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 545. Investigation in fibula effects on stress distribution in tibiofemoral joint
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 646. Investigation of the Effect of Dental Implant Screw Pitch on the Stress and Strain Distribution in the Mandibular Bone
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 547. Investigation of the Stress Distribution in a Bone Due to Screws Pretensions of the Bone Plate
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 650. Nanostructured magnesium-substituted fluorapatite coating on 316L stainless steel human body implant
Full textYear: 1391Language: EnglishPages: 6
نتایج 1 تا 50 از مجموع 110