Transmission Network Planning Using Genetic Algorithm
Publish place: 15th International Power System Conference
Publish Year: 1378
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: English
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 1 مهر 1386
The long-range planning of an electrical power transmission network is concerned with finding the most economical expansion plan for the power system over an extended but finite planning period, 20 years for example. It is a complex process in which the application of computing techniques has grown steadily from the well established areas of load flow and security analysis for high voltage transmission and distribution system analysis. The transmission solution method suited to solving power system planning problem uses the linear (DC) load flow model because: i. it can be solved by a standard linear programming code;
ii. uses only active power, MW, fore ,,casts; iii. the error introduced by using the linear load flow approximation is acceptable in long-range planning studies [1]. Transmission network expansion is a complex mathematical optimisation problem because it involves, typically, a large number of problem variables. The commonly used methods reported in the literature can be categorised into mathematical programming, heuristic based, artificial intelligence and iterative improvement methods.
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