آقای دکتر Mohammad Hassan Shahavi

Dr. Mohammad Hassan Shahavi

دانشیار | عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه تخصصی فناوری های نوین آمل

فرد مهم علمی - Researcher ID: (281784)


Mohammad Hassan Shahavi is an Associate Professor of chemical engineering - nanobiotechnology, and head of the industrial relations and entrepreneurship group at the Amol University of Special Modern Technologies (AUSMT), IRAN. He is an educated scholar Ph.D. from the Babol Noshirvani University of Technology (Iran) and Aarhus University (Denmark) with a strong background in nano-bio processes. He is deeply involved in research and teaching in chemical engineering subjects and has conducted many practical kinds of research in the fields of chemical engineering - nanobiotechnology.

سمتهای علمی و اجرایی در دانشگاهها و مراکز علمی کشور

ISI Papers

Conference Papers

Teaching Experience


  • دکتری تخصصی مهندسی شیمی - نانوتکنولوژی Aarhus University, Denmark1391-1392
  • دکتری حرفه ای مهندسی شیمی - نانوبیوتکنولوژی Babol Noshirvani University of Technology1388-1393