Journal of Nutrition and Food Security papers،vol 8،issue 4
8.Use of Pistachio Meal and Mono- and Diglyceride in the Production of Low-Fat Pistachio Butter FullText
11.Food Insecurity after Cash Transfer Program in Rural Areas of Tehran: A Mixed Method Study FullText
14.An analytical cross-sectional study of malnutrition in hemodialysis patients in Grogan, Iran, ۲۰۲۰ FullText
15.The Reliability and Validity of Persian Version of Sports Coaches' Nutrition Questionnaire FullText
17.Effects of Sanctions on Food Intake of Urban Households in Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran (۲۰۱۷-۲۰۱۹) FullText
تاریخ نمایه سازی مقالات: 29 آبان 1402 - تعداد نمایش اطلاعات ژورنال: 165