Conference information
بیست و دومین کنفرانس سالانه بین المللی مهندسی مکانیکThe 22nd Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
Date: 22 April 2014
Index date: 5 August 2014
Pages: 4621
Views: 885793
Conference national idISME22
Authors: 2,343 author
Total referrals: 18
The 22nd Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering papers
6. A semi-analytic solution method for the Blasius equation
Year: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 47. A three-dimensional FEA of implants to investigate effects of angle implantation cases in implants success
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 68. Aerodynamic design of a 2 MW wind turbine rotor for the city of Zabol
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 69. An Investigation on the Effect of Age Hardening on the Formability of 7075 Aluminum Alloy
Year: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 410. An improved analytical method for detection delamination location based on the natural frequency
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 511. Analysis OF Flow-Induced Noise on airfoils with Using Aero Acoustic Analogy And RANS Modeling
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 613. Analytical bending solution of fully clamped orthotropic rectangular plates resting on elastic foundations by the finite integral transform method
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 617. Bong Graph modeling of a microfluidics system using pulsatile pressure as an analytical tool
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 620. Cellular Injection by CNT: Molecular Dynamics Study
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 624. Computational analysis of mixed convection water–Al2O3 nanofluid in a square cavity: Effect of variable properties and moving wall location
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 525. Control Chart Pattern Recognition Using a Novel Efficient Feature and an Optimized RBF Neural Network
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 628. Design and application of a high precision scanner for detecting roughness in very smooth surface using atomic force scanning technique
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 529. Design of optimal controller for overhead crane using genetic algorithms
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 631. Designing and Proposing a Movable Spoiler in order to Improve Aerodynamic Conditions of the Samand
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 633. Determination of Shear strength, Tensile Strength and their Relationship by a New Test Specimen
Year: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 435. Deviation Analysis of the De-Boost Impulse in De-Orbit Maneuver of a Spacecraft
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 640. Effect of Dogboning on the Restenosis Rate after Coronary Stenting: A Finite Element Analysis
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 648. Electro-Mechanical Nonlinear Vibration of Pasternak Coupled DWBNNTs Based on Nonlocal Piezoelasticity Theory by Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 649. Evaluation of Implant Stability in Transition to the Secondary Stability
Full textYear: 1393Language: EnglishPages: 5
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